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Child Care Costs

Membership Fee:

As a not-for-profit child care centre and registered charity we require a $30.00 annual membership fee for families using services at NHCS.

Childcare Fees: 

Effective January 1st, 2023 the base fees as part of the enrolment in the Canada Wide Early Learning and Child Care System are:

INFANTS (younger than 18 months - full time only)

  • Full Day $28.82 daily

TODDLERS (18 months or older but younger than 30 months)

  • Full Day $19.37 daily

PRESCHOOLERS (30 months or older but younger than 6 years) 

  • Full Day $17.96 daily


  • Before School Care (44 months or older but younger than 68 months) $11.00 daily

  • Before School Care (68 months or older but younger than 73 months) $11.00 daily

  • Before School Care (73 months or older but younger than 13 years) $11.00 daily

  • After School Care (44 months or older but younger than 68 months) $12.00 daily

  • After School Care (68 months or older but younger than 73 months) $12.00 daily

  • After School Care (73 months or older but younger than 13 years) $13.00 daily

  • Before and After School Care (44 months or older but younger than 68 months) $12.00 daily

  • Before and After School Care (68 months or older but younger than 73 months) $12.00 daily

  • Before and After School Care (73 months or older but younger than 13 years) $24.00 daily

  • Full Day School Care (44 months or older but younger than 68 months) $17.48 daily

  • Full Day School Care (68 months or older but younger than 73 months) $17.48 daily

  • Full Day School Care (73 months or older but younger than 13 years) $37.00 daily

All full day fees include 2 snacks and lunch


Subsidized Child Care

Subsidized Child Care is Available

Parents may be eligible to receive subsidy for the childcare fees. This subsidy is administered through The County of Hastings to provide financial assistance to families who require help with their child care costs. 

To apply for subsidy, first decide which licensed child care program you would like your child(ren) to attend that is located in Hastings County.

Contact the licensed child care program to confirm there is space available for your child(ren). Once you have confirmed your space, contact the Hastings County Intake Access Centre at 613-771- 9630 or 1-866-414-0300 to schedule an appointment to complete the application process.

For further information please contact: Hasting County Children’s Services

If you do not qualify for subsidy, or your subsidy expires, you will be responsible for the full fee. Payment is paid prior to care received.


Billing Policy

  • Payment is prior to care received 

  • 2 week’s notice must be given for holidays or billing will occur for all absences. 

  • Overdue accounts will be subject to late fees. 

  • Late pick up will result in a $1/minute invoiced late fee or the amount of $5.00 for each quarter hour or any portion thereof past scheduled closing time.

  • There will be a charge to cover costs for any NSF cheque charges. 

  • Accounts 90 days in arrears will result in termination of care and involvement with a collection agency. 

  • Please review your bill and contact administration staff to discuss any disputes within 30 days from the date of the invoice. 

  • Payments can be paid with cash, cheque or online banking with TD Trust, Bank of Nova Scotia or Kawartha Credit Union. 

Childcare Fees are billed twice a month, (on the 15th & the last day of the month). You will be billed for the days your child is scheduled for, as per you Care Agreement.

You must keep your child at home for at least 24 hours if they have an infectious or serious illness which could infect others in NHCS. Please call the Centre to notify Educators of your child’s absence. A doctor’s note may be required to return. 

Part time spaces require 2 full days a week minimum attendance and changes to schedules are subject to Child Care Coordinator approval. 

Please note: only full-time infant care is provided.

When you are offered a space in any of our programs, you will be required to complete and sign a service agreement, which will identify your child’s attendance schedule and fees to pay.

If you have any questions please feel free to speak with the Finance Admin or Child Care Coordinator.